Enrol on a course.

Choose to focus on growth, instead of stagnation. Choose to focus on possibilities, instead of limitations. Choose to focus on changing, instead of staying the same.

Where are you stuck? How did you get stuck? Accelerate and deepen the process of change as well as put yourself in the driving seat (that is learning to become your own coach).

External accountability when required, within a supportive environment can be the primer for the development of self-discipline.

Make a commitment to yourself to make positive, effective change in your life.


The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. It will pervade every other relationship you have.

Boost your self-esteem. Invest in your education. Commit to learning.

Be the priority in your own life.

Approach personal development with the excitement of what’s possible.

  • Facilitate personal growth and development. Cultivate an abundance mindset.

  • Enhance understanding of oneself. Develop a self-compassionate voice.

  • Increase self-confidence and openness to experience. Eliminate or mitigate feelings of dissatisfaction.

  • Choose from a range of different digital products to help boost your learning. Learn anytime, anywhere. Curate your own personal development curriculum.

Courses coming soon!!!

Men & Passivity

Is this my life now? Fear the half-lived life. A course designed to help men get unstuck and live a life they can be proud about. Get out of your own way.

Men & Anger (& Anxiety)

Come to an awareness and acceptance of angry feelings while developing better control and more serenity. A course designed for men with anger control problems. Understand how anxiety left unchecked can lead to anger.

Burnout & Rust-out

What do you expect of yourself at work? In life? Get better at managing your stress. Reorient your life to what is important. Apply problem solving skills to current life circumstances.

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Course Tutor

Ben Cooper

Course Tutor

My name is Ben. I am a trained integrative counsellor and coach with a background in working in mental health. I am interested in people. I want to support people to make the best choices for them.