Priming - readying for action

Where are you the solution in your own life? Approach personal development with the excitement of what's possible.

Practice being your future self.


This mini-course is designed to help you explore what personal development means to you. If your goal is to be happier / more successful than what do you have to do? What skills, experience, and personal qualities would you need in order to achieve your goal?

  • Identify your personal development priorities.

  • Create a map with "personal road signs" to help you maintain momentum.

  • Develop a self-monitoring process.

Mini-course curriculum

Start your learning journey

    1. Mini-course Outline

    2. Attitude towards personal development survey

    3. Pre-mortem - imagining and dealing with failures

    4. Pre-mortem worksheet

    1. Goals & Intentions

    2. Best Possible Self

    1. Priorities

    2. Differentiating life goals vs personal development goals

    3. Personal Development Priorities

    1. Sculpture

    2. Sculpture

    3. Stop, Start, More, Less Grid

    1. Self-Monitoring

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential