Personal Development Primer
(free mini-course)
Identify your personal development priorities in this free mini-course. Commit to investing in your self-development.
Where are you the solution in your own life? Approach personal development with the excitement of what's possible.
Practice being your future self.
This mini-course is designed to help you explore what personal development means to you. If your goal is to be happier / more successful than what do you have to do? What skills, experience, and personal qualities would you need in order to achieve your goal?
Identify your personal development priorities.
Create a map with "personal road signs" to help you maintain momentum.
Develop a self-monitoring process.
Start your learning journey
Mini-course Outline
Attitude towards personal development survey
Pre-mortem - imagining and dealing with failures
Pre-mortem worksheet
Goals & Intentions
Best Possible Self
Differentiating life goals vs personal development goals
Personal Development Priorities
Stop, Start, More, Less Grid